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Commonly Asked Questions About the COViD-19 Vaccine for Kids


Today, the ongoing pandemic continues to present a major health issue across the globe and in the United States, with thousands of active cases in Georgia alone. Although older adults and individuals with compromised immune systems are at a greater risk for developing serious illness, children are not immune from COVID-19. Hence, COVID vaccinations and testing around Albany, GA are also provided for children.

As a leading provider of laboratory services in Albany, GA, we will answer some of your most commonly asked questions about the pediatric COVID-19 vaccine:

  • Is it safe?
    According to the CDC, children aged 5 years old and above can safely get a COVID-19 vaccine to help protect against the virus. As of this writing, the recommended vaccine for children between 4-17 years old is Pfizer-BioNTech.
  • Can my child get a booster shot?
    The CDC recommends children between the ages of 12-17 get a Pfizer-BioNTech booster. Children aged 5 and older with certain medical conditions associated with immunosuppression may also receive an additional dose.
  • Will my child experience the same side effects?
    In general, your child will also experience the same side effects, such as headache, fatigue, fever, and chills. This also includes pain at the injection site that typically lasts 48 hours.
  • How much is the pediatric COVID-19 vaccine/
    The COVID-19 vaccine for children is free of charge to everyone living in the U.S., regardless of health insurance status. You may check your local laboratory, pharmacy, or health department to see if walk-ins or appointments are available.

IK Medical Diagnostic Services is a leading provider of diagnostic services offering accessible, high-quality services to promote overall wellbeing. We offer pre-employment screening services in Georgia. Contact us to learn more.

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